"Five to see a test" to identify fake wine

The reporter contacted the relevant person in charge of the Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce. He said that he could use the “five sees and one smell” to identify fake wine.

One must look at the bottle shape. Many brand-name liquors have unique bottle shapes. For example, Maotai has been using white cylindrical glass bottles for many years. The bottles are smooth and free of impurities. The height of the wine bottles varies from coarse to fine, and the outer packaging is old and fresh.

The second depends on printing. Good liquor label printing is very particular about the fine white paper, font specifications clear, bright and uniform color, pattern color accurate. Now many brands of liquor use laser holographic anti-counterfeit labels on the packaging box. Like Maotai, its anti-counterfeiting designs are “Flying Sky” and “Pentagram”. They will show different colors from different angles, and they can only be used once. Used, it can not be restored if it is slightly damaged.

Third, we must look at the bottle cap. At present, most of the bottle caps of famous white wines that have been published and approved in 17 countries in China are all made of lead metal anti-theft caps. The caps are smooth, and the patterns and texts are neat and clear, and the counterparts are tight. If it is a counterfeit product, it often leaks out when it is inverted, and the pattern and text are blurred.

Fourth, we must look at packaging. In addition to exquisitely printed packaging, the lid cover of real wine has a neat and tight seam, and there are no gaps between elasticity and unevenness; some bottle caps are also wrapped with plastic film, and the packaging is very tight and free from looseness.

Fifth, we must look at turbidness. Through the appearance of the glass bottle, the liquor should be absolutely clear and transparent, and there is no precipitation. Consumers can hold the bottle in their hands, slowly invert it, and observe the bottom of the bottle to see if there is any sinking material or cloudiness.
The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Commerce said that many Maotai fake wines use real wine bottles. Counterfeiters open a needle-sized small hole under the wine bottle to inject fake wine. It is difficult to identify which kind of wine is true or false from a single bottle shape. Consumers can check again before drinking liquor. For example, add a drop of cooking oil to the wine. If the oil spreads evenly in the wine and sinks evenly, the quality of the wine is better. If the oil is irregularly spread in the wine and the sinking speed changes significantly, you can The quality of the wine was judged to be a problem and it was a shoddy product.

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