Green packaging for glass bottles

Gavin Partington, the organization’s director, recently announced the results of an experimental survey conducted in collaboration with Australian Vintage and Sainsbury’s company at the London International Wine Show. According to the WRAP survey, companies use green glass bottles. Bottles will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20%.

According to Partington's survey, the recyclability of green glass is as high as 72%, while transparent glass is only 33%. The products used in the environmental investigation were green glass, vodka, brandy, white wine, and whiskey. The survey collected 1,124 customers’ views on buying different color glass packaging products.
This may be due to the fact that whiskey in green glass bottles easily makes people think of Irish whiskey immediately, and vodka, which is supposed to be transparent glass bottle packaging, is considered to be “strange” after being replaced by green packaging. Even so, 85% of customers still said that this has little effect on their purchase choices. In the course of the survey, about 95% of respondents did not find that the color of the bottle changed from transparent to green to, and only one accurately judged the color change of the bottle. 80% of respondents said that the change in the color of bottles will not affect their purchase choices, while 90% said they are more willing to choose more environmentally friendly products. More than 60% of respondents said that Sainsbury's experiment gave them a better impression of this experiment, and they are more inclined to choose products that are clearly marked with environmental labels on their packaging.
More interestingly, in the survey, brandy and liquor are more popular than whiskey and vodka.

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