Anthracnose enzyme-linked hemagglutinin adsorption test (ELISA)

Anthracnose enzyme-linked hemagglutinin adsorption test (ELISA)

ELISA is sensitive, specific and reproducible. The reagent preparation is easy, the conjugate is highly stable, the validity period is long, and the equipment is simple.

Kleine-Ablers et al. Used enzyme immunoassay to detect Bacillus anthracis protective antigen (PA) within 1h, with a sensitivity of 60ng / ml (calculated as PA). If anti-rabbit serum monoclonal antibody is used, the detection limit can reach 15ng / ml (calculated as PA). The enzyme-linked hemagglutinin adsorption test can distinguish Bacillus anthracis from its similar species (such as Bacillus cereus) with two exogenous hemagglutinin conjugates for about 2 hours, and has good specificity.

Serological methods are suitable for the confirmation of retrospective diagnosis of infected individuals when Bacillus anthracis cannot be isolated from the culture. Traditional serological diagnostic methods (such as complement fixation test, agar gel precipitation) are time-consuming and have poor sensitivity; although indirect trace blood coagulation can overcome the above shortcomings, it is not reproducible and requires sheep red blood cells.

Harrison et al. Performed two serological diagnoses on a fulminant cutaneous anthrax. The results show that electrophoretic immunotransfer blot (EITB) can be used to detect antibodies to Bacillus anthracis protective antigen (PA) in serum, but it is not sensitive to detection of lethal factor (LF) antibodies; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) detects poly D2 glutamate capsular antibodies are more sensitive, but the case and control anti-capsular antibody titers have a certain degree of crossover, which affects their specificity. Both are sensitive and specific for retrospective diagnosis of Bacillus anthracis infection, and their specific EITB is higher than ELISA.

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