List of the most dazzling new packaging materials in 2016

Although we know that packaging is often used as a marketing tool, its greatest role is to protect products. Food packaging can maintain proper temperatures, prevent food contact with bacteria, convey relevant information to consumers, and help retailers track the origin of food. In addition to packaging, sustainable development can be promoted. On the one hand, food quality is improved through the protection of food, thereby reducing food waste; on the other hand, packaging recycling is encouraged and the service life of the package is extended.

Suppliers and innovators are committed to discovering opportunities for innovation, continuously working with technology suppliers, bringing new packaging solutions, helping packaging manufacturers, retailers, and catering service providers to increase the safety of their products, promote sales and Please consumers. In these developments, we have found some successful cases that have strongly demonstrated that the packaging industry has made great progress in innovation, sustainable development and safety. The following are some of the latest cutting-edge innovations. These new technologies not only bring products to the market, but also have a huge impact on the market competition in the packaging industry.

1. Sustainable waterborne barrier coating

New sustainable coatings can improve fiber products (prevent moisture penetration and prevent product contamination), and current alternative laminate structures are not recyclable compared to new sustainable coatings. Sustainability is the main feature of new technologies.

2, molded fiber printing

The new technology uses high-resolution four-color printing that can be printed directly on the surface of fiber molded packages. The advantage is that the graphics are more attractive, and the sustainability of packaging is better (without extra packaging or labeling), reducing production costs while increasing production efficiency.

3, lightweight insulation

Chill Buddy is a lightweight package for products that need to maintain temperature. The advantages of temperature-controlled packaging materials over traditional insulation materials are their high flexibility and can replace bulky polyethylene foams. European retailers use this technology in cars, drawers and trays. This housing provides 3.5 hours of refrigeration, making it useful for shops with limited cooling space and products with particularly high turnover rates.

4, MFC special fiber

MFC is a special fiber extracted from plant waste, used to strengthen and reduce the sustainable development of fiber products. The benefits of this technology include reduced material use and enhanced maintainability; hardness is stronger than glass fiber and carbon fiber, but lighter weight; improved crack resistance and effective rheological assistance; prevention of oxygen and moisture ingress; on existing substrates With a small amount of material, the performance of the product can be significantly improved. For example, using 1% of the material may result in a product performance improvement of 15% to 20%; the material comes from the crop rather than the tree, and thus is compared with other microfibrillated cellulose products. More competitive than it is.

5, micro pattern material enhancement technology

The new technology makes micropatterning of the cups. Hoowaki's new technology increases stability, comfort, and thermal insulation without affecting graphic performance. It also slows down the formation of condensation and improves the properties of the material without altering or introducing new chemical reactions.

As the market's demand for technology continues to increase, so that packaging technology has more innovation. The above examples, let us see the sustainable growth of the demand for sustainable packaging elements, making companies increase R & D efforts to product innovation. Changes in technology have increased competition in the industry, and in order to maintain relevance and effectiveness, the implementation of new innovative technologies in product packaging will become more standardized. In the continuous innovation, the packaging industry continues its original functions and market demands, and has achieved breakthrough success in safety and sustainable development.

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